How has 2020 been for you?

Our 20th wedding anniversary arrived amidst all this tumult. As it was later in the year, we were able to get out and celebrate with a night out and stayover in the city.

I’m grateful to have retained full time employment and for the relative simplicity that comes with working from home and working without the COVID related impositions that face other industries such as hospitality. Although it was unfortunate to miss out on an overseas trip this year, I’m so grateful we are not stranded overseas. I really feel for the people who are and for those stranded here such as overseas students.

What has been your biggest success/es in 2020?

At an organisation level, both at IQ and the Client, was the implementation of BCP and being able to sustain that over an extended period. At a team level, it was project completion at the onset of the pandemic while picking up previously outsourced activities that were returned to onshore. At a personal level, it was mainly just to keep going, keep doing the things I would ordinarily do – work, study and sport even when it became harder.

What are you most looking forward to next year?

I’m cautious. I suspect that it will be similar to 2020 but hopefully without the devasting bushfires. I’m hoping for some further restorations of normality including a return to the office in some form and to normal event calendars.

What do you have planned for the Christmas break?

Visiting relatives and friends is our Christmas tradition. Christmas is rotated between different relatives in different parts of the country and overseas, however this year will be from home again.

For more from Chris … refer to our LinkedIn page (



How has 2020 been for you?

What an interesting year 2020 has been – locked up for what seemed like an endless period of time. Yet, we got through it. It proved our resilience and adaptability.

In June, I moved into a townhouse from a unit, and this turned out to be a godsend. It gave me a small yard and garden, and this provided additional coping mechanisms for surviving lockdown. It also turns out I have a bit of a green thumb.

I am grateful that my family, friends and their families all came through COVID without illness or death. I am also very grateful that I was one of the lucky ones who had a job and could pay the bills and put food on the table. I am grateful for working for an amazing company that adapted so they could look after their staff. It was very much appreciated.

In 2020, I have also learnt that you can grow tomatoes from slices of tomato, capsicum from the seeds in a capsicum and spring onions from the butts of spring onions. Who knew!! 

What has been your biggest success/es in 2020?

Increasing delivery for a client from 12% to 45% in 6 months and building a strong team that is respected within the company. Also, adapting to delivering a project via Skype / Bluejeans / Teams etc, while living in a totally different state. Once thought impossible, now completely probable.

What are you most looking forward to next year?

I am looking forward to 2021 but only hope that it won’t be a repeat of this year. Perhaps, as they say, we should see the terms and conditions for 2021 first. I would like to travel again as I have always seen it as the reward for hard work throughout the year and I miss it.

I look forward to delivering my project on time and on budget and since there has been more compassion this year, I would like to see that continue.

What do you have planned for the Christmas break?

Every Christmas I spend the day with my Italian family. Lots of food, drink and laughter. People coming and going all day. Then, for some rest and relaxation, I am flying to Brisbane (finally) to see my Aussie family, before a few days on the Mooloolaba beach to recharge the batteries. I am disappointed I can’t go to Singapore, as I normally do, but this year has been about adapting and that is what I will do! Happy Christmas.

PHOTO:  Angie’s amazing tomatoes

For more from Angie, refer to our LinkedIn page:  ( )

Christmas Questions with Sarah Keast

Christmas Questions with Sarah Keast

How has 2020 been for you?

2020 has felt long. Lots of things have happened really fast. One good thing that happened to me was that I got a dog. He has been a great distraction through lockdown. This year, I’ve learnt to be adaptable.  Nothing is certain and I’ve learnt to just ride the wave.

What has been your biggest success/es in 2020?

This year I’ve onboarded to two different clients completely remotely! It is a weird experience but it makes you more proactive because you have to reach out to people cold without any prior introduction. I’ve been able to make great work relationships this way.

I was chosen to be part of an important project with a really tight deadline which gave me the opportunity to work with a highly experienced IQ team and to really work on my skills as it was all hands on deck.

What are you most looking forward to next year?

I hope next year will be smoother than this year. I’m looking forward to getting married in June and hopefully being able to travel to NZ for my grandfather’s 90th and my cousin’s wedding.

What do you have planned for the Christmas break?

Luckily, the ability to work remotely has allowed me to be able to see my parents in Kingscliff and then be able to fly to Hobart for Christmas day to see my fiancé’s parents. Usually we would only be doing one of these trips. However, with the remote working, we are able to go up earlier than usual.

Photo: Sarah and her fiancé Jacob with dog Lionel (as well as Santa)

For more from Sarah, refer to our LinkedIn page